Congratulations! You are taking the first step toward a more confident and empowered you. I am excited for you! Everyone deserves to be confident, to be empowered, to feel beautiful, to love themselves.

Please fill out the form below to register with my client management system. You might wonder why I’m asking for your birthdate and, if you’re married, your anniversary date. Well, I like to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with my past, present, and future clients. Plus, I like to do something a little special for them too, whether it’s an online card or a little present. So, while you’re not required to tell me your birthdate and, if you’re married, your anniversary date, I hope you will.

Also, If you want to get Phantasy Photos news, information about special events, sales, giveaways, contests, and more, you can do that by checking the appropriate box at the bottom of the form.

Personal Information

This step-by-step interactive Dream Experience Planner will help you plan your boudoir experience starting with your why… why do you want to have this experience.

There are no wrong answers. So be specific. Be detailed. Above everything else, be honest with yourself. 

This interactive Dream Experience Planner is not designed to be completed in an hour or two. As you work through each section, take your time and really think about what you want to get out of your boudoir experience and what will help you get there. Dream BIG! After all, you are using this DREAM Experience Planner to plan your DREAM Boudoir Experience, right? So DREAM BIG! I cannot guarantee every wish, want, and desire you put into your planner, but I guarantee that I will certainly try to fulfill every wish, want, and desire.

Most sections have some information to read and questions to answer. Some have links to more information. Some sections have space where you can enter your notes for each topic. Enter the things that must be included in your boudoir experience. Enter the things that you’d like to do during your boudoir experience. Don’t hold back! I know I’m repeating myself, but DREAM BIG! I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to fulfill every one of your wants, needs, and desires, but I’ll certainly try.

You may save a draft of your Dream Experience Planner at any time.

You can go back and change your answers at any time… for example, perhaps you don’t want to reveal much at first, but later on, you change your mind and want to reveal more. You can do that.

You’re not locked into the information you put in your Dream Experience Planner either. If before or during your experience you change your mind, you are free to do so. Just tell me, and we’ll go with it

Your Dream Experience Planner is removed from the system if it has been inactive for 1 year.

Once you’ve completed your Dream Experience Planner, you will be able to download it to your computer, tablet, or phone in PDF format.

Please note that I have access to your Dream Experience Planner from the moment you begin your planning. The reason for this is so that I can help you plan your experience when you ask, and so I can plan your experience on my end once you book your session, ensuring that it will be a one of a kind, exclusive, personalized experience and is everything you dream it to be!

One last thing… if you haven’t already joined my private Phantasy Girls Facebook Group, I highly recommend that you do. I post all kinds of stuff in there: personal stuff about me, photos of past clients, behind the scenes photos and videos, client testimonial videos, empowering and inspirational quotes, information about special events and sales, giveaways and contests, and more. Plus, you can ask questions about your upcoming experience: hair and makeup, outfits, anything. 

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